ezBarcode Component WinForm Prev Page Prev Page
ezBarcodeComponent Winform
Getting Started
Setup ezBarcodeComponent
Trial and Redistributables
ezBarcodeComponent Symbologies
Industrial 2 of 5
Interleaved 2 of 5
Ucc/Ean 128
Upc A
Upc E
Itf 14
PDF 417
Macro PDF 17
QR Code
ezBarcodeComponent.Winform Reference
Barcode Class
Barcode Members
Barcode Constructor
AutoFitControlToBarcode Property
BackColor Property
BarHeight Property
BearerBarHorizontalWidth Property
BearerBarVerticalWidth Property
Caption Property
CaptionAlignment Property
CaptionColor Property
CaptionFont Property
CaptionPosition Property
CaptionSpace Property
CharacterGrouping Property
CheckCharacter Property
CheckCharacterInText Property
CODABARStartChar Property
CODABARStopChar Property
Code128Set Property
CodeData Property
DataMatrixBarSize Property
DataMatrixEncodingMode Property
DataMatrixPreferredFormat Property
Font Property
ForeColor Property
HumanReadableTextFontColor Property
HumanReadableTextPosition Property
IsHumanReadableTextOnTop Property
LeftMargin Property
MacroPdf417FileId Property
MacroPdf417SegmentCount Property
MacroPdf417SegmentIndex Property
NarrowToWideRatio Property
PDF417BarWidth Property
PDF417Columns Property
PDF417CompactionType Property
PDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel Property
PDF417Rows Property
PDF417Truncated Property
PDF417YtoXRatio Property
Picture Property
PostnetHeightShort Property
PostnetHeightTall Property
PostnetSpacing Property
QRCodeBarSize Property
QRCodeEncoding Property
QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Property
QRCodeVersion Property
Resolution Property
RotationAngle Property
ShowHumanReadableText Property
SupplementarySeparation Property
Symbology Property
TopMargin Property
UPCESystem Property
UseCaret Property
XDimension Property
Dispose Method
OnPaint Method
DrawOnGraphics Method
SaveImageAs Method
CaptionPosition Enumeration
Code128 Enumeration
DataMatrixEncodingModes Enumeration
DataMatrixPreferredFormats Enumeration
PDF417CompactionMode Enumeration
PDF417ErrorCorrection Enumeration
QRCodeEncoding Enumeration
QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Enumeration
QRCodeVersion Enumeration
RotationAngles Enumeration
Symbologies Enumeration
ezBarcodeComponent Help

Frequently Asked Questions



  • How to use bearer bar?
    You can add horizontal and vertical bearer bar by change the width of BearerBarHorizontalWidth and BearerBarVerticalWidth properties. The unit of width is X-Dimension.
    For examples:
    Image Description
    BearerBarHorizontalWidth = 1
    BearerBarVerticalWidth = 0
    BearerBarHorizontalWidth = 1
    BearerBarVerticalWidth = 1
  • How to add caption?
    The caption can be added and modified by the following parameters:
    Caption sets the caption string.
    CaptionPosition determine the location of caption, top or bottom of the picture.
    CaptionSpace sets the space between the caption and the barcode in inches.
    CaptionColor sets the caption color.
    CaptionAlignment sets the caption in left, right or middle of the image.
    CaptionFont sets the font of caption.

    For examples:
    Image Description
    Caption = "Test Caption"
    CaptionPosition = CaptionPosition.Top
    CaptionSpace = 0.1
    CaptionColor = Color.Red
    CaptionAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
    Caption = "Test Caption"
    CaptionPosition = CaptionPosition.Bottom
    CaptionSpace = 0.1
    CaptionColor = Color.Red
    CaptionAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
  • How to change the image blank margin?
    You can change the top/bottom, left/right margin by change the parameters of LeftMargin and TopMargin properties. The unit of width is inch. The top and bottom margin are modified by LeftMargin and the left and right margin are modified by TopMargin.
  • How to change the bar height?
    The bar height is changed by BarHeight property. The unit of width is inch.
    For examples:
    Image Description
    BarHeight = 0.8
  • How to modify Human Readable String?
    Human Readable String can be modified by the following parameters:
    ShowHumanReadableText sets to show the Human Readable Text.
    Font sets the font of human readable string.
    HumanReadableTextPosition sets the space between the human readable string and the barcode in inches.
    HumanReadableTextFontColor sets the caption color.
    IsHumanReadableTextOnTop sets the location of human readable string.

    For examples:
    Image Description
    ShowHumanReadableText = false
    ShowHumanReadableText = true
    Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 8)
    HumanReadableTextPosition = 0.2
    HumanReadableTextFontColor = Color.Red
    IsHumanReadableTextOnTop = false
    ShowHumanReadableText = true
    Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 8)
    HumanReadableTextPosition = 0.2
    HumanReadableTextFontColor = Color.Red
    IsHumanReadableTextOnTop = true
  • How to use Caret?
    The UseCaret propeties is set to true by default which is only applied to Code128, UccEan128, Sscc18, Scc14, PDF417, MacroPDF417, QR Code, and DataMatrix etc. where full ASCII is accepted as encoding. The 3 digits data following the caret will be treated as ASCII code, e.g. ^010 is \\n.
    For Code 128, UccEan128, if the FNC1 (ASCII 202) is used, human readable parentheses can be added to the CodeData manually by using the following ASCII code

    ^222 = (XX)
    ^223 = (XXX)
    ^224 = (XXXX)
    ^225 = (XXXXX)
    ^226 = (XXXXXX)
    ^227 = (XXXXXXX)

    The ^222, ^223, ^224, ^225, ^226, ^227 will be transfer to FNC1 (ASCII 202) in the barcode, and the parantheses will be added to human readable text by the digits. The FNC1 can also be added by using ^202 (ASCII 202), or Ê. For example, CodeData ="Ê0123456789" is the same as CodeData ="^2020123456789".

    ezBarcodeComponent will automatically identify AI by using the predefined AI table above. However, you can overwrite the predefined AI by using caret (^).

    For example, to encode (012)345678, the data of ^223012345678 would be used to overwrite the default (01)23456789.

  • Can I use DataBinding with ezBarcodeComponent?
    Yes. You can drag the data field from data source and drop it to the ezBarcodeComponent control and the databinding is automatically added.